GRE blog, Strategy for 99th percentile score

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Materials Needed to score a Perfect Score 340 in GRE

Perfect score in GRE is not easy task, but still not improbable. Time, strategy, materials, practice and patience are needed to get that score. Today I am posting lists of materials that are needed to score a perfect score.

All ets official guide:

1. ETS official guide 2
2.ETS paperbased guide 1 and 2
3.Big book gre guide(old material)

Manhattan GRE MST 6 practice test

1.Manhattan gre reading comprehension guide
2.Cracking the new gre, 2013
3.Manhattan basic and advanced wordlist
4.Manhattan Text completion guide( for strategy)
5.Gmat official guide 2013 (for Reading comprehension and Critical reasoning)

1.Manhattan gre guide 1-6
2.Ets official guide 2
3.Gmat official guide 13th edition( for advanced quantitative practice)
4.5 lb book of gre practice problem forum( there are lots of rc, quant practice and strategy as well as RC strategy by Various instructors)